Based at Krowji in Redruth, I have a purpose built studio where I practice and also teach small group workshops. Cornwall is my home and inspiration. A childhood spent running around the rocks while my Dad was fishing taught me a great deal about the natural world. Many years later, losing him was the start of a new journey.
I chose to enrol on a degree course in Silversmithing and Jewellery, re-defining myself from hobbyist to creative practitioner. During my studies I explored the theme of vessels used as sacred containers. I was also fascinated by functional jewellery. This led to the creation of a collection of wearable vessel pendants known as ‘Memory Keepers’.
I use the techniques of milling and etching for surface decoration. A hydraulic press forms the silver into the desired shape using laser cut acrylic moulds. The components are formed then soldered together to create the pendants. I also use a metal known as Mokume Gane (‘wood grain’). This ancient Japanese technique bonds layers of different alloys which are then processed to create a sheet metal that contains beautiful swirling patterns.